I realize I've been absent from posting new material here for a bit, but didn't want this to fall by the wayside. In an attempt to collect funds for those currently in need in Haiti, two different collector message boards have started a series of rare record auctions in which all money is to be donated to the charity of the sellers choice.
For those in the funk/soul/hip hop vein, check here:
For those in assorted other veins, check here:
For what it's worth, I am responsible for the New Life Trio - Visions from the Third Eye auction listed here: http://www.soulstrut.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=1399103&an=0&page=0#Post1399103 so if you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an email at trunk.of.funk@gmail.com
Otherwise, bid with confidence
Week 14: Philly Uprising
14 years ago